This blog is mostly and simply a reflection of what I am in the process of exploring, learning, and perhaps experiencing or experimenting with. It is constantly shifting, and I have no idea towards what.

Each entry, quote or personal writing, is not necessarily "the" truth or "my truth", but a source of inspiration, or a way for me to reflect.

Friday, December 10, 2010


"You can only be lost if you are trying to get somewhere."

Ram Tzu

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What you seek...

"Your own success can only be realized
when you are inside your Vortex.

You cannot "criticize yourself" to success. 
You cannot "condemn yourself" to Well-Being."

The Vortex by Esther & Jerry Hicks

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Following Our Dreams...

"People are afraid to appear selfish and follow their dreams even though those dreams, if they are true dreams, will be of far greater service to the planet than anything else they do."

Gene Keys - Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA
Richard Rudd

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Voice of Knowledge

By Don Miguel Ruiz
"The Voice of Knowledge"

"The mind is fertile ground for concepts, ideas, and opinions. If someone tells us a lie  and we believe it, that lie takes root in our mind and can grow big and strong, like a tree. One little lie can be very contagious, spreading its seeds from person to person when we share it with others."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Going with the Flow Even When...

By Story Waters

"Whenever your day becomes overwhelming or events feel like they are going wrong, stop and feel your center, feel yourself to be the calm eye of the storm. Take the time to consciously connect with your spirit, for within that experience is the remembrance of the feeling of trust for the flow of your life that exists beneath any surface drama; though it may not look like it in terms of surface events, know with all your being that this flow is carrying you to exactly where you want to be."

For more see:

Monday, June 14, 2010

True Freedom

From "The Voice of Knowledge"
By Don Miguel Ruiz

"You will know that
you are free
you no longer have to be you."


Friday, June 11, 2010

I am enough

By Story Waters

"I am ready to let go of the chase, of the escape, and simply be myself. I am enough. What I am is enough. There is no failure. There is no lack. There is nothing going wrong. I release all expectations that I put upon myself, either directly or through the world. I am worthy. I am sovereign. I am enough. I am more than enough. I am excited to be what I already am. I am amazing. This is amazing. This life is amazing. I am ready to experience it through the knowing that I am enough.

Say it, and feel it, carry it with you and be it:"

Let 'em be free...

Do not ask the person who helped you 
define what you want
to become what you want 
so you can have what you want.”

Abraham - Esther Hicks

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


How about:

- Having something to do that we love doing
- Someone we love to do it with
- And something to look forward to.


Monday, May 24, 2010


"You cannot struggle to Joy. 




are not 

on the same channel."

Abraham - Esther Hicks

Friday, May 21, 2010

Is the Message Clear Yet?

"All effort is ignorance."

Francis Lucille

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

No Gain in Pain

Since we were born, we've all heard and been conditioned to believe: "No pain, no gain!"

In this short video, and throughout their teachings, Abraham - Esther Hicks explain that this belief does not have to be true for anyone who understands that everything is vibration and that the Law of Attraction which rules our entire universe works as follow:

"The essence of that which is like unto itself is drawn

Hence, they tell us: "there is no gain in pain."
To follow the Path of Least Resistance - as the Tao also teaches us - is to align with the Path of Allowing, is to go "downstream." It is effortless, and it is where all that we want is to be found.

And what a relief that is!

Here is the short video:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Movement & The Law of Attraction

Do you know the old saying:

"What is for you will not pass by you."

It also the message of the rune "Movement":

"What is yours will come to you."

"The starting point is the self. Its essence is water. 
Only clarity, willingness to change, is effective now. 
A correct relationship to yourself is primary, 
for from it flow all possible relationships 
others and with the Divine."

"As I cultivate my own nature,
all else follows."

Ralph H. Blum - The Book of Runes

And it is also the essence of Abraham - Esther Hicks's message who speak about  the inevitability of The Law of Attraction in our universe. Their message is very helpful to understand HOW one may  start developing "a correct relationship to oneself." I so appreciate their gift to the world: Their words are light, fun, funny, very simple and positively empowering!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Inferiority is a Lie

"She had understood that no human being who has walked this planet was or is different from the others. Few people were capable of saying out loud that the great Teachers from the past had the same qualities and the same defects as all men, and that this in no way diminished their ability to search for God. Judging oneself to be inferior to other people was one of the worst acts of pride he knew, because it was the most destructive way of being different."

"Brida" by Paulo Coelho

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Others' Truth

"We want to remind you that the only reason anything has manifested into a physical, tangible, definable truth is because someone has given enough attention to it to make that so. But just because someone else has managed to create their truth, it does not mean that it has any relationship to you or to what you will create."

"Ask and it is Given - Learning to Manifest Your Desires"
Abraham - Ester & Jerry Hicks

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let The Moment Decide

From Osho

"Let your gestures be alive, spontaneous. Let your own awareness decide your lifestyle, life pattern. Don't allow anybody else to decide it. That is a sin, to allow anybody else to decide it.

Why is it a sin? -- because you will never be in it. It will remain superficial, it will be hypocrisy. Don't ask anybody how to pray. Let the moment decide, let the moment be decisive, and the truth of the moment should be your prayer. And once you allow the truth of the moment to possess you, you will start growing and you will know tremendous beauties of prayer. You have entered on the path."

Love Profusion

This is a feel good song, I love it!


Abraham and Madonna's Love Profusion

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


"What advantage could there possibly be in making decisions when you are not certain? What advantage could there be in basing your decision on anything other than having clarity? It doesn't make sense to be impulsive just because it is so habitual for the majority of the population to do that. After all, the thing that is driving this impulsive decision-making is the terror of uncertainty. Do you really want that to be the basis of your decisions and actions? Of course not!

Waiting is truly a spiritual practice because so often the reason you are not waiting is that if you did wait, you would have to face some pretty uncomfortable feelings that would come up during the waiting. Some of us are addicted to our impulsivity even though it perpetually causes us suffering."

"Pure Awareness: 5 Simple Techniques for Experiencing Your Essential Nature"
by Tom Stone

Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Symbolic Life

"We experience greater awareness through encounters with that which we are not."

"Living Your Unlived Life - Coping with Unrealized Dreams and Fulfilling Your Purpose in the Second Half of Life"
By Robert A. Johnson & Jerry M. Ruhl

Sunday, April 25, 2010


"One who goes into questions strays off into the jungle of philosophy. Let questions come and go. Look at the crowd of questions like you look at people moving on the street -- nothing to give, nothing to take -- with detachment, standing far away...

The more distance there is between you and your questions, the better. Because it is in this gap the answer will arise."

From Osho

This is something I really need to learn and that comes at the perfect time for me today.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Joy of Being Alone

From Osho

"The joy of love is possible only if you have known the joy of being alone, because only then do you have something to share. Otherwise, two beggars meeting each other, clinging to each other, cannot be blissful. They will create misery for each other because each will be hoping, and hoping in vain, that "The other is going to fulfill me." The other is hoping the same. They cannot fulfill each other. They are both blind; they cannot help each other.

That's what happens: you are lonely, the other is lonely -- now you meet. First the honeymoon: that ecstasy that you have met the other, now you will not be lonely anymore. But within three days, or if you are intelligent enough, then within three hours... it depends on how intelligent you are. If you are stupid, then it will take a longer time because one does not learn; otherwise the intelligent person can immediately see after three minutes: "What are we trying to do? It is not going to happen. The other is as lonely as I am. Now we will be living together -- two lonelinesses together. Two wounds together cannot help each other to be healed."

We are part of each other -- no man is an island. We belong to an invisible but infinite continent. Boundless is our existence. But those experiences happen only to people who are self-actualizing, who are in such tremendous love with themselves that they can close their eyes and be alone and be utterly blissful. That's what meditation is all about. "

Transformation Tarot

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Observation Changes the Outcome

From Leela Swann-Herbert
Human Design

"Once we learn to see our conditioning, it can no longer run the life. That which we can name loses its power over us. Observation changes the outcome of the experiment. If we want to experience something different in our lives, we don’t have to do a thing. Change is not about doing something different, it is about Seeing, and then change happens on its own, in its unique way, different than we could have ever imagined.

When we allow the form [the body] to live the life according to its uniqueness, it has a natural strategy for moving through life, and its own GPS system for making absolutely accurate decisions regarding its direction and course of life. Life will bring experiences, and the form will recognize which experiences are correct for its unique path in life, its unique contribution to the totality. The passenger consciousness was invited into this vehicle, it is this unique series of experiences that this consciousness has chosen, the gift of observing this life. We are here to observe this life, from the inside out, including the mind’s patterns.

When we observe our mind and its old conditioned patterns, they begin to change. We don’t have to DO anything about them, except SEE them, to experience them in an active state of awareness. And then change happens on its own, breathing in and breathing out, letting thoughts arise and fall, enjoying the moment, and letting it go. Observation changes the outcome of the experiment. This is the radical approach to self-discovery. We are here to learn to not just wait, but learn to Wait and to See."


Thursday, April 15, 2010

From "Loving What Is"

Byron Katie:
How do you react when you think the thought: "I want them to accept my way," and they don't?

It's painful.

Yes. Lonely?

Oh, yeah.

Can you see a reason to drop this theory that anyone in this world needs to accept you at any time?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Role of our Unconscious

From "Inner Work" by Robert Johnson:

"The purpose of learning to work with  the unconscious is not just to resolve our conflicts or deal with our neuroses. We find there a deep source of renewal, growth, strength, and wisdom. We connect with the source of our evolving character; we cooperate with the process whereby we bring the total self together; we learn to tap that rich lode of energy and intelligence that waits within."

Monday, March 29, 2010

Whose Business Is This?

"Loving What Is" by Byron Katie

     "I can find 3 kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours, and God's. (For me, God means "reality". Reality is God because it rules. Anything that's out of my control, your control, and everyone else's control - I call that God's business.)

      Much of our stress comes from living out of our own business. When I think, "You need to get a job, I want you to be happy, you should be on time, you need to take better  care of yourself," I am in your business. When I am worried about earthquakes, floods, war, or when I will die, I am in God's business. If I am mentally in your business or in God's business, the effect is separation. I noticed this early in 1986. When I mentally went into my mother's business, for example, with a thought like "My mother should understand me," I immediately experienced a feeling of loneliness. And I realized that every time in my life that I had felt hurt or lonely, I had been in someone else's business.

     To think that I know what's best for anyone else is to be out of my business. Even in the name of love, it is pure arrogance, and the result is tension, anxiety and fear. Do you know what's right for me? That is my only business. Let me work with that before I try to solve your problems for you.

     If you understand the 3 kinds of business enough to stay in your own business, it could free your life in  a way that you can't even imagine. The next time you are feeling stress or discomfort, ask yourself whose business you're in mentally, and you may burst out laughing! That question can bring you back to yourself. And you may come to see that you've never really been present, that you've been mentally living in other people's business all your life.

     And if you practice it for a while, you may come to see that you don't have any business either and that your life runs perfectly well on its own."

Byron Katie
"Loving What Is"

Saturday, March 27, 2010

"Projection: A Cause for Confusion"

"Projection is the error of attaching an aspect of your inner life onto someone or something on the outside. This way, you do not have to take responsibility for it. In projecting a disowned part of yourself, you endow other people and things with the power to make you blissful or miserable. Then you turn around and praise or blame the person or situation, while all the while you are reacting to an unconscious, inner part of yourself."

Robert Johnson & Jerry Ruhl
"Contentment - A Way to True Happiness"

I have been working on this for what seems like an eternity. And it has been! lol! I don't think it ever ends... :-)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Our True Nature

"To realize your true nature,
you must wait for
 the right moment and the right conditions
When the time comes,
you are awakened as if from a dream. 
You understand that what you have found is your own
and doesn't come from anywhere outside."

Buddhist Sutra

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Look at Serving & Following

"The awareness that 
the best road is 
not necessarily 
the most interesting."

Gate 17 - Line 3
Rave I'Ching - Ra Uhu Ru

"Following can mean joining another on the path toward yourself. Loved ones and friends can be disturbed by what they perceive as a preoccupation with something they don't understand. They can  become angry or fearful at what seems to them to be your withdrawal from the "ways things used to be." They will probably be points at which your principles and the choices you make will be challenged, but standing your ground will bring benefits far beyond any apparent losses you might face as a consequence."

17 Following - Line 3
The Toa Oracle (Inspired by the I'Ching)
By Ma Deva Padma

Friday, February 19, 2010

What is Love?


A haiku wanna be

An inside joke

A heart beating fast

A pink elephant 
for a train 
to arrive


Sunday, February 14, 2010

"The Story of My Life"

The Story of My Life by Ghazal 1419

i was ready to tell
the story of my life
but the ripple of tears and the
agony of my heart wouldn’t let

i began to stutter
saying a word here and there
and all along i felt
as tender as a crystal
ready to be shattered

in this stormy sea
we call life
all the big ships
come apart
board by board

how can i survive
riding a lonely
little boat
with no oars
and no arms

my boat did finally break
by the waves
and i broke free
as i tied myself
to a single board

though the panic is gone
i am now offended
why should i be so helpless
rising with one wave
and falling with the next

i don’t know
if i am
while i exist
but i know for sure
when i am
i am not
when i am not
then i am

now how can i be
a skeptic
about the
resurrection and
coming to life again

since in this world
i have many times
like my own imagination
died and
been born again

that is why
after a long agonizing life
as a hunter
i finally let go and got
hunted down and became free

Ghazal 1419
Translated by
Nader Khalili

There's humor in this:

"We either
make ourselves miserable
or we make ourselves happy.
The amount of work 
is the same."

Carlos Castaneda

I just found this quote on this inspiring website: 

Monday, February 8, 2010


"It is because you want to change that you cannot change. The 43rd Shadow of Deafness is what  prevents you from hearing this simplest of truths. In this sense, deafness is the inability to hear what is going on inside you."

43rd Gene Key
From Richard Rudd's book:
"Gene Keys - Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA"

Saturday, February 6, 2010


"The ironic thing about 
is that it takes 
to learn 

Richard Rudd - The Gene Keys

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Existence knows where you live"

Does it?
At times, it sure does not feel like it!
Perhaps I need to tattoo it on the back of my hand so I remember not to lose faith in the challenging times when nothing seems to be happening...

"There is no way to push the river,
equally you cannot hasten the harvest.
Be mindful that patience
is essential
for the recognition of your own process,
which, in its season,
leads to the Harvest of the Self."

The Book of Runes by Ralph H. Blum

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Life is an experiment

Isn't it?

Trial and error.
Always something new to try, to observe, to live.

Slowly, there comes the peace and awe of being the watcher...

Quantum Physics states that, in any experiment, the observer is not neutral. S/he influences its outcome. It seems to be true for me, although I do not always fully grasp how it manifests in my life. I mean, I see it clearly at times, but I also often "miss" it.

In this life-experiment, I am both the observer - of my own life, myself, and others - and I am also the observed. "Me living" is being observed by "me watching".
I am able to see this life of mine when I don't get too caught up and identified in the process of my experience with the thoughts, emotions, fears... that come up. And the judgment that things "should be different."

This experiment often leads to questions, but doesn't always lead to answers.
So sometimes, the whole thing blows up in my face...
And then I start again.
What others say may be interesting, informative, or even validating.
But in the end, I need to find out for myself.
Otherwise, why bother living my life?

I certainly don't want to live anybody else's life, no matter how appealing it may seem from the outside. I just want to be me. And I am pretty sure they don't want to be me and live my life either! lol! Yet so many of us still have this nasty habit of meddling with other people's lives... Well, at least I know I still do from time to time because "old habits die hard". And haven't we all been conditioned to try and fix - or supposedly help - others, even when we have not been asked?
Well, I don't know about you, but I know I am guilty. I even try to change and fix myself so much of the time!

Sometimes people tell me that I ask myself too many questions, or that I think too much. It may be true. But my mind can't stop thinking - can yours? It is a fact - perhaps until enlightenment graces us. But there is no comfort in waiting for something that may never happen. So, at times, it IS true: I think "too much."

And it is also their projection and their judgment: they "think" that they think too much, only they forget that when they say it to me. They feel uncomfortable when their mind asks too many questions that they cannot answer. It brings doubts and fears. Even panic at times.

But that's only because they/we think 
that the mind has to have answers 
in order for us 
to live life and make decisions

So the real question is: Does Life need our "thinking" to live?

This can't be true otherwise plants and animals couldn't exist. Planets and Galaxies would stop spinning, and all would die...

It's not thinking itself that's the "real problem". That's only a problem when we "think we need" to make decisions with the mind: but it's not such a good idea to make decisions with the mind. Because the mind can't make up its mind. The mind is quite fickle. It only takes observing it over time to notice.

It is not that I am not open to what people tell me. I love hearing what people think and feel. It is enriching. But I have to be careful that it  does not over ride my own inner-authority. In the end, other people's projections can be an enlightening multifaceted gift when we start noticing a fuller spectrum of what is really going on. But when they tell me: "It's not helpful to think too much..." are they able to see there own fears and projections?

For me, Life is quite interesting to observe in all its facets: it is one of the faculties only we humans are endowed with on this planet. And we can find humor even in the most challenging situations we find ourselves in when we start seeing from a broader perspective. This does require a certain level of thinking.

Yes, the conclusions I draw from my on-going experiment are mostly subjective and often temporary. So what?
It doesn't make them untrue or the search unworthy. Science functions the exact same way. And can we determine if Science is always totally useful? Totally useless? Of course not...

Physics also teaches us that the referential from which we observe is important: in other words,

there is no such thing as absolute truth. 

Only ours in the moment. Undeniable. But temporary.
What we call "truth" isn't true for everybody. But it can be true for a few others. Or many others. Or no other. So what?
Even if it's not true for anyone else, it does not mean that it is not "truth" either. Does it?

If my thruth is only true for me, should I not share it? Or will I be afraid to share it?
Why? Or why not?
This is a profound question actually...

For me, I see more and more that what I call Love, my Loving Others, my Loving Humanity - which in the end reflects the love I have for myself - starts with accepting the diversity of these truths: In other words, for me, it's the base of "Love thy neighbor" - but not so much "Love your neighbor as yourself", but rather "Love your neighbor as themselves". Love them "as they are" with their own truth.
But how can I ever do this if I cannot "Love Myself As I Am" with warts and all...?

Yes, and yet, it's easy to say, but that's not an easy feat!

But I see I can only start with trusting my own truth - and its temporary quality - then it will be easier to accept others'. TRUSTING my own TRUTH, in the moment, no matter what it looks like, and in spite of what anybody else thinks or does. For me, that is the key, and I am very happy with the help and support I am getting through Human Design: http://www.jovianarchive.com

What do you think?
What is true for you?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Time to let go of the past

It was time for me to erase all my blog. And see what will come next, when the time is right.