This blog is mostly and simply a reflection of what I am in the process of exploring, learning, and perhaps experiencing or experimenting with. It is constantly shifting, and I have no idea towards what.

Each entry, quote or personal writing, is not necessarily "the" truth or "my truth", but a source of inspiration, or a way for me to reflect.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


How about:

- Having something to do that we love doing
- Someone we love to do it with
- And something to look forward to.


Monday, May 24, 2010


"You cannot struggle to Joy. 




are not 

on the same channel."

Abraham - Esther Hicks

Friday, May 21, 2010

Is the Message Clear Yet?

"All effort is ignorance."

Francis Lucille

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

No Gain in Pain

Since we were born, we've all heard and been conditioned to believe: "No pain, no gain!"

In this short video, and throughout their teachings, Abraham - Esther Hicks explain that this belief does not have to be true for anyone who understands that everything is vibration and that the Law of Attraction which rules our entire universe works as follow:

"The essence of that which is like unto itself is drawn

Hence, they tell us: "there is no gain in pain."
To follow the Path of Least Resistance - as the Tao also teaches us - is to align with the Path of Allowing, is to go "downstream." It is effortless, and it is where all that we want is to be found.

And what a relief that is!

Here is the short video:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Movement & The Law of Attraction

Do you know the old saying:

"What is for you will not pass by you."

It also the message of the rune "Movement":

"What is yours will come to you."

"The starting point is the self. Its essence is water. 
Only clarity, willingness to change, is effective now. 
A correct relationship to yourself is primary, 
for from it flow all possible relationships 
others and with the Divine."

"As I cultivate my own nature,
all else follows."

Ralph H. Blum - The Book of Runes

And it is also the essence of Abraham - Esther Hicks's message who speak about  the inevitability of The Law of Attraction in our universe. Their message is very helpful to understand HOW one may  start developing "a correct relationship to oneself." I so appreciate their gift to the world: Their words are light, fun, funny, very simple and positively empowering!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Inferiority is a Lie

"She had understood that no human being who has walked this planet was or is different from the others. Few people were capable of saying out loud that the great Teachers from the past had the same qualities and the same defects as all men, and that this in no way diminished their ability to search for God. Judging oneself to be inferior to other people was one of the worst acts of pride he knew, because it was the most destructive way of being different."

"Brida" by Paulo Coelho

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Others' Truth

"We want to remind you that the only reason anything has manifested into a physical, tangible, definable truth is because someone has given enough attention to it to make that so. But just because someone else has managed to create their truth, it does not mean that it has any relationship to you or to what you will create."

"Ask and it is Given - Learning to Manifest Your Desires"
Abraham - Ester & Jerry Hicks