This blog is mostly and simply a reflection of what I am in the process of exploring, learning, and perhaps experiencing or experimenting with. It is constantly shifting, and I have no idea towards what.

Each entry, quote or personal writing, is not necessarily "the" truth or "my truth", but a source of inspiration, or a way for me to reflect.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Life is an experiment

Isn't it?

Trial and error.
Always something new to try, to observe, to live.

Slowly, there comes the peace and awe of being the watcher...

Quantum Physics states that, in any experiment, the observer is not neutral. S/he influences its outcome. It seems to be true for me, although I do not always fully grasp how it manifests in my life. I mean, I see it clearly at times, but I also often "miss" it.

In this life-experiment, I am both the observer - of my own life, myself, and others - and I am also the observed. "Me living" is being observed by "me watching".
I am able to see this life of mine when I don't get too caught up and identified in the process of my experience with the thoughts, emotions, fears... that come up. And the judgment that things "should be different."

This experiment often leads to questions, but doesn't always lead to answers.
So sometimes, the whole thing blows up in my face...
And then I start again.
What others say may be interesting, informative, or even validating.
But in the end, I need to find out for myself.
Otherwise, why bother living my life?

I certainly don't want to live anybody else's life, no matter how appealing it may seem from the outside. I just want to be me. And I am pretty sure they don't want to be me and live my life either! lol! Yet so many of us still have this nasty habit of meddling with other people's lives... Well, at least I know I still do from time to time because "old habits die hard". And haven't we all been conditioned to try and fix - or supposedly help - others, even when we have not been asked?
Well, I don't know about you, but I know I am guilty. I even try to change and fix myself so much of the time!

Sometimes people tell me that I ask myself too many questions, or that I think too much. It may be true. But my mind can't stop thinking - can yours? It is a fact - perhaps until enlightenment graces us. But there is no comfort in waiting for something that may never happen. So, at times, it IS true: I think "too much."

And it is also their projection and their judgment: they "think" that they think too much, only they forget that when they say it to me. They feel uncomfortable when their mind asks too many questions that they cannot answer. It brings doubts and fears. Even panic at times.

But that's only because they/we think 
that the mind has to have answers 
in order for us 
to live life and make decisions

So the real question is: Does Life need our "thinking" to live?

This can't be true otherwise plants and animals couldn't exist. Planets and Galaxies would stop spinning, and all would die...

It's not thinking itself that's the "real problem". That's only a problem when we "think we need" to make decisions with the mind: but it's not such a good idea to make decisions with the mind. Because the mind can't make up its mind. The mind is quite fickle. It only takes observing it over time to notice.

It is not that I am not open to what people tell me. I love hearing what people think and feel. It is enriching. But I have to be careful that it  does not over ride my own inner-authority. In the end, other people's projections can be an enlightening multifaceted gift when we start noticing a fuller spectrum of what is really going on. But when they tell me: "It's not helpful to think too much..." are they able to see there own fears and projections?

For me, Life is quite interesting to observe in all its facets: it is one of the faculties only we humans are endowed with on this planet. And we can find humor even in the most challenging situations we find ourselves in when we start seeing from a broader perspective. This does require a certain level of thinking.

Yes, the conclusions I draw from my on-going experiment are mostly subjective and often temporary. So what?
It doesn't make them untrue or the search unworthy. Science functions the exact same way. And can we determine if Science is always totally useful? Totally useless? Of course not...

Physics also teaches us that the referential from which we observe is important: in other words,

there is no such thing as absolute truth. 

Only ours in the moment. Undeniable. But temporary.
What we call "truth" isn't true for everybody. But it can be true for a few others. Or many others. Or no other. So what?
Even if it's not true for anyone else, it does not mean that it is not "truth" either. Does it?

If my thruth is only true for me, should I not share it? Or will I be afraid to share it?
Why? Or why not?
This is a profound question actually...

For me, I see more and more that what I call Love, my Loving Others, my Loving Humanity - which in the end reflects the love I have for myself - starts with accepting the diversity of these truths: In other words, for me, it's the base of "Love thy neighbor" - but not so much "Love your neighbor as yourself", but rather "Love your neighbor as themselves". Love them "as they are" with their own truth.
But how can I ever do this if I cannot "Love Myself As I Am" with warts and all...?

Yes, and yet, it's easy to say, but that's not an easy feat!

But I see I can only start with trusting my own truth - and its temporary quality - then it will be easier to accept others'. TRUSTING my own TRUTH, in the moment, no matter what it looks like, and in spite of what anybody else thinks or does. For me, that is the key, and I am very happy with the help and support I am getting through Human Design: http://www.jovianarchive.com

What do you think?
What is true for you?

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