This blog is mostly and simply a reflection of what I am in the process of exploring, learning, and perhaps experiencing or experimenting with. It is constantly shifting, and I have no idea towards what.

Each entry, quote or personal writing, is not necessarily "the" truth or "my truth", but a source of inspiration, or a way for me to reflect.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Going deep, all alone...

It has been my experience that there are times in my creative life when it has been useful not to show my creative work to anyone - not just useful, indispensable! Absolutely vital! During that time, it was very necessary not to compromise or be swayed by others' potential requests or pressures - as well as those of my own mental agenda.

It can be difficult for some artists not to share/show their work, at least with a few close friends. But at critical times, it allows us to create a safe, protected space where the inner-child - the inner-artist - can go deep and explore mysterious realms that were never explored before. This is not the time to take risks of externalization. It is a time to be nurturing and truly free to "work" and express for ourselves only.

This very special, and often scary time, is needed in order to disintegrate and dismantle the old ways that are becoming stale; then, in parallel, or at a later stage of this process, we will be able to recharge and renew in a deep and genuine way. A good archetype for this transformation is the "Tower"-  the XVI card in the tarot.

When we come out of that phase, like after a long winter, we will be ready for the new Spring. We will be a different artist, a more genuine one again - more vulnerable perhaps, but much richer for it: creating from our deepest truth at last.

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