This blog is mostly and simply a reflection of what I am in the process of exploring, learning, and perhaps experiencing or experimenting with. It is constantly shifting, and I have no idea towards what.

Each entry, quote or personal writing, is not necessarily "the" truth or "my truth", but a source of inspiration, or a way for me to reflect.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Accept Your Heart's Desire

Story Waters
from The Messiah Seed

"Realize that this archetypical energy, of wanting what you do not have, is the manifestation of your belief in lack. Put energy into it and the Universe will always validate that energy, showing you that love and joy are everywhere except where you stand. Allow your Self to want. Allow your Self to want more. Do this from a feeling of joy for what you want and not from a point of disrespecting or diminishing what you have. With the power of your feeling of joy you will manifest your heart’s desire. Realize that you can accept what you have with your heart and still want more; but do this from living in the acceptance of your Self as you are, and not from the want for what is yet to come. Love your now."

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